BEGIN:VCALENDAR PRODID:-//Microsoft Corporation//Outlook 12.0 MIMEDIR//EN VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-MS-OLK-FORCEINSPECTOROPEN:TRUE BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:BMA CLASS:PUBLIC CREATED:20110407T171140Z DESCRIPTION:Schedule\n5:00 PM - 7:00 PM Cocktails & Display of Entries\n7:0 0 PM Dinner & Awards\n\nDisplaying the Best!\n\nNot only the Best B2B work in Colorado\, but the Best Creative talent\, the top Account teams and th e Best Marketing firms. We want to put you -- and what you do -- on displa y.\n\nWhether you're the top Art Director or Project Manager\, CD or Copyw riter\, VP of Marketing or Brand Manager - we believe you should get the k udos you deserve for your work. To be put on a pedestal...or trophy plaque as the case may be! \n\nWe want you to be appreciated for the top talent that you are.\n\nAnd don't worry\, being on display won't hurt a bit.\nApr il 22: The 2011 Colorado BMA Gold Key Awards at The Wildlife Experience. Be there with 200 of your closest friends to see the best in B2B Marketin g in Colorado! \n\nBONUS! The Wildlife Experience will be open only to BM A. Enjoy two hours in the museum\, with cocktails and friends prior to th e incredible dinner and fun awards show! \n\nEMCEE FOR THE EVENING: A Colo rado native\, Laurel Harris is a familiar presence on the stage\, screen a nd radio waves of this fine state. For over twenty years\, Laurel has bee n working as an actor\, host\, spokesperson and voice-over talent from coa st to coast\, while remaining based in Denver. She's won numerous Nationa l wards for producing\, including an Emmy. Most recently\, you can hear h er narrating the documentary\, "2012: The True Mayan Prophecy" that premi ered at the Women + Film Voices Film Festival in March (now available onli ne). You probably recognize Laurel most from her countless commercials f or Safeway\, Vehix\, Boston Market\, and more recently The Colorado Divisi on of Wildlife\, or for her successful hosting of the live\, national game show\, Bingo TV.\n\nDirections\nThe Wildlife Experience is conveniently l ocated about ten miles south of downtown Denver and one mile east of I-25\ , at the intersection of Lincoln Avenue and Peoria Street. Map » \n\nE-470 is a great way t o get to The Wildlife Experience. It's easy\, convenient and quick! With t he E-470 EXpressToll you will get there fast. Take E-470 to Peoria and go south to Lincoln.\n\nFREE parking is available in the museum’s parking l ot\, located on the south side of the facility.\n\n DTEND:20110423T023000Z DTSTAMP:20110407T171140Z DTSTART:20110422T230000Z LAST-MODIFIED:20110407T171140Z LOCATION:The Wildlife Experience\, 10035 South Peoria\, Parker\, CO 80134 - 720.259.8381 PRIORITY:5 SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY;LANGUAGE=en-us:2011 Colorado BMA Gold Key Awards Ceremony TRANSP:OPAQUE UID:040000008200E00074C5B7101A82E00800000000A0D9D0E412F5CB01000000000000000 010000000644FA8A88C260E4B87C63469B76201B6 X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:\n\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\n



5:00 PM - 7:00 PM Cocktails &\; Display of Entries


7:00 PM Dinner &\; Awards



< B>Displaying the Best!


\n\n< P DIR=LTR>Not only the Best B2B wo rk in Colorado\, but the Best Creative talent\, the top Account teams and the Best Marketing firms. We want to put you -- and what you do -- on disp lay.
\nWhether you're the top Art Director or Project Manager\, C D or Copywriter\, VP of Marketing or Brand Manager - we believe you should get the kudos you deserve for your work. To be put on a pedestal...or tro phy plaque as the case may be!



We want you to be appreciated for the top talen t that you are.
\nAnd don't worry\, being on display won't hurt a bit.


April 22:  The 2011 Color ado BMA Gold Key Awards at The Wi ldlife Experience Be there wit h 200 of your closest friends to see the best in B2B Marketing in Colorado !



BONUS!  The Wildlife Experience will be open only to BMA.  E njoy two hours in the museum\, with cocktails and friends prior to the inc redible dinner and fun awards show!


EMCEE FOR THE EVENING: A Colorado native\, Laurel Harris is a familiar presence on the st age\, screen and radio waves of this fine state.  For over twenty years\, Laurel has been working as an actor\, host\, spokesperson and voice-over talent from coast to coast\, while remaining based in Denver.  She's won numerous National wards for producing\, including an Emmy.  Most recently \, you can hear her narrating the documentary\, "\;2012:  The True Ma yan Prophecy"\; that premiered at the Women + Film Voices Film Festiva l in March (now available online).   You probably recognize Laurel most f rom her countless commercials for Safeway\, Vehix\, Boston Market\, and mo re recently The Colorado Division of Wildlife\, or for her successful host ing of the live\, national game show\, Bingo TV.





The Wildlife Experience is conveniently located about ten miles south of downtown Denver and one mile east of I-25 \, at the intersection of Lincoln Avenue and Peoria Street.< SPAN LANG="en-us"> Map »



E-470< SPAN LANG="en-us"> is a great way to get to The Wildl ife Experience. It's easy\, convenient and quick! With the E-470 EXpressTo ll you will get there fast. Take E-470 to Peoria and go south to Lincoln.< /FONT>



FREE parking is available in the museum’s parking lot\, located on the south side of the facility.