BEGIN:VCALENDAR PRODID:-//Microsoft Corporation//Outlook 12.0 MIMEDIR//EN VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-MS-OLK-FORCEINSPECTOROPEN:TRUE BEGIN:VEVENT CLASS:PUBLIC CREATED:20110202T150621Z DESCRIPTION:BMA Dinner - Defining and Exploring Thought Leadership\n\nLever age Innovative Content to Support Your Brand\n\nWikipedia defines a Though t Leader as an entity recognized for having innovative ideas. What then is thought leadership?\nJoin BMA Colorado on March 9th and find out how Janu s\, a leading Denver financial firm for over four decades\, defines it. \n \nThe March 9th keynote event features Caroline Churchill\, SVP Marketing & Brand Strategy at Janus. She’ll share her definition of thought leader ship and why it’s an important component of a B2B marketing program.\n\n You’ll hear how Janus creates a strong connection back to their brand an d builds solid client relationships through content delivery and education platforms. Caroline will help you:\n\n* Learn how to build compelling con tent that supports your brand and highlights your firm's expertise\;\n* Ex plore interactive ways to leverage that content to drive awareness and eng agement with clients and prospects\;\n* Review delivery strategies for bot h print and digital media\;\n* Understand the importance of building follo w up programs for your sales organization and measuring content effectiven ess.\n \nDon’t miss this chance to soak up some new ideas\, reinforce cu rrent ones or just expand your creative channels to more innovative market ing. Come early to network with your fellow B2B marketers. These events al ways draw a big crowd. The food and beverages are great too.\n\nEvent Deta ils\nWednesday\, March 9\, 2011\n5:30 New Member/Prospective Member Orient ation\n5:30 Registration\, cocktails\, networking\n6:30 Dinner and Present ation\nWhere:\nRenaissance Hotel\, 3801 Quebec Street\, Denver\, CO 80207\ , 303-800-1314\nParking is Free - but be sure to get your parking ticket v alidated\nInvestment:\n$45 - members\n$59 - not-yet-members\n$35 - full ti me students\n\nSpeakers\nCaroline Churchill \nSenior Vice President of Mar keting and Brand Strategy\nCaroline is responsible for firm-wide brand and advertising\, digital marketing\, corporate sponsorship and client events and creative services for the Janus Capital Group\, headquartered in Denv er\, CO. Additionally\, Caroline directs Janus’ thought leadership effor ts as well as JANUSLABS®\, the firm’s value-added platform for financia l advisors. Caroline has more than 20 years of experience in financial ser vices\, including 10 years with The Vanguard Group\, where she served as a Principal in the Institutional Creative Services and Client Services grou ps. Caroline is a graduate of The Pennsylvania State University and holds FINRA series 24\, 7\, 26\, 6 and 63 licenses.\n\n DTEND:20110310T030000Z DTSTAMP:20110202T150621Z DTSTART:20110310T003000Z LAST-MODIFIED:20110202T150621Z LOCATION:Renaissance Hotel\, 3801 Quebec Street\, Denver\, CO 80207\, 303-8 00-1314 PRIORITY:5 SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY;LANGUAGE=en-us:BMA Dinner - Defining and Exploring Thought Leadersh ip TRANSP:OPAQUE UID:040000008200E00074C5B7101A82E00800000000806821E8AFC2CB01000000000000000 0100000006791FEE108CBB541ACC13520774A19A1 X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:\n\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\n

BMA Dinner - Defining and Exploring Thought Leadership


Leverage Innovative Content to Support Your Bran d



Wikipedia defines a Thought Leader as an entity recognized for hav ing innovative ideas. What then is thought leadership?

\n \n

Join BMA Colorado on March 9th and find out how Janus\, a leading Denver financial firm for ove r four decades\, defines it.

\ n\n


The March 9th keynote event features Caroline Churchill \, SVP Marketing &\; Bra nd Strategy at Janus. She’ll share her definition of thought leadership and why it’s an important component of a B2B marketing program.



You’ll hear how Janus creates a strong connection back to their brand and builds soli d client relationships through content delivery and education platforms. C aroline will help you:



·\; \; \;&nbs p\; \; \; \; Learn how to build compelling content that supports your brand and highlights your firm's expertise\;


·\; \; \; \; \; \; \; Explore interactive ways to leverage that content to drive awareness and engagement with clients and prospects\;


·\; \; \; \; \; \; \; Review delivery strategies for both print and digital media\;


·\; \; \; \; \; \;&nbs p\; Understand the importance of buildi ng follow up programs for your sales organization and measuring content ef fectiveness.


Don’t miss this chance to soak up some new idea s\, reinforce current ones or just expand your creative channels to more i nnovative marketing. Come early to network with your fellow B2B marketers. These events always draw a big crowd. The food and beverages are great to o.



Event Details


Wednesday\, March 9\, 2011


5:30 New Member/Prospective Memb er Orientation


5:30 Registration\, cocktails\, networking

\ n\n

6:30 Dinner and Pres entation




Renaissance Hotel\, 3801 Quebec Street\, Denver\, CO 80 207\, 303-800-1314


Parking is Free - but be sure to get your parking ticket validated




$45 - members


$59 - not-yet-members\n\n

$35 - full time s tudents





< FONT FACE="Calibri">Caroline Churchill
Senior Vice President of Marketing and Brand Strategy


Caroline is responsible for firm-wide brand and adverti sing\, digital marketing\, corporate sponsorship and client events and cre ative services for the Janus Capital Group\, headquartered in Denver\, CO. Additionally\, Caroline directs Janus’ thought leadership efforts as we ll as JANUSLABS®\, the firm’s value-added platform for financial adviso rs. Caroline has more than 20 years of experience in financial services\, including 10 years with The Vanguard Group\, where she served as a Princip al in the Institutional Creative Services and Client Services groups. Caro line is a graduate of The Pennsylvania State University and holds FINRA se ries 24\, 7\, 26\, 6 and 63 licenses.